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NYC licensed guides are the best 'bang-for-your-tourism-buck.' Take the time to learn what our members have to offer. A GANYC member will help you make the most of your time. We also have a wide variety of multilingual guides to aid all international travelers on any service they need.

GANYC members are solely responsible for the content of their profiles on this site.

The designation Certified Guide means the marked individual guide has successfully completed and fulfilled all the requirements of GANYC's professional development program that focuses on how to research, plan, and conduct high-quality tours. These guides are authorized to use the designation, "GANYC certified guide."

Certified Guide
Jim Dykes Jim Dykes new email is JimDykesNY@gmail.com; All other emails are cancelled.  Jim is a writer and actor who has been a licensed New York guide for many years. CHECK MY 5-STAR RATINGS on TRIP ADVISOR!!  History, architecture and fabulous NYC real estate are passions: Jim is a former GANYC… Read More
Sumiko Mizumoto I have been working as a tour guide in NYC since 2000. If you need Japanese tour guides, please let me know! 日本語ツアーガイドをお探しなら、ご連絡ください。   Read More