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NYC licensed guides are the best 'bang-for-your-tourism-buck.' Take the time to learn what our members have to offer. A GANYC member will help you make the most of your time. We also have a wide variety of multilingual guides to aid all international travelers on any service they need.

GANYC members are solely responsible for the content of their profiles on this site.

The designation Certified Guide means the marked individual guide has successfully completed and fulfilled all the requirements of GANYC's professional development program that focuses on how to research, plan, and conduct high-quality tours. These guides are authorized to use the designation, "GANYC certified guide."

Certified Guide
Valentin Borriello Hi I am Valentin, a proud New York City Tour Guide. I am French/Italian bi-national and I have been living in New York for 11 years. My career has always been travel related having worked as a Tour Operator, a Tour Leader and finally a Tour Guide which gives me the opportunity to do what I love the… Read More
Peter Laskowich Since 1987 I've indulged my passion for New York by giving classes, lectures and tours of its history. We go beyond the usual who-what-where-when and into the why and how. The Museum of Natural History, the Municipal Art Society and New York University are among those who have sponsored my tours.… Read More
Susanne Koster I'm Susanne, a native New Yorker from Long Island with lively and engaging custom tours.  Allow me to create an adventure for you, your family or group.  Let me be your personal guide and have your touring through New York like a local.  Consider me your best college friend that… Read More
Phil Desiere Let my tours put the Big Apple at your feet! Read More
Dave Gardner I am a fully-licensed tour guide in New York City.  I'm a speaker on the double-decker tour buses, the boats, and on foot. I am fluent in any general New York tour.  I am also the publisher of our tour-guide newsletter, GuideLines.My personal niche is that I run a Titanic-themed Walking… Read More
Pim Philip Pim moved to New York in 2010. Besides being a (Dutch) licensed tour guide for all the 5 boroughs of New York City, he founded Pim Philip Experiences which offers customized travel and event experiences in New York City, catering to both private and corporate visitors. Tailor-made expeditions,… Read More
Tim Ries Founder of Tourist New York with 20+ years in NYC tourism. Former High Line Director, NYC-licensed guide, and proud member of the Guides Association of New York City. Passionate about sharing the best of NYC’s landmarks and hidden gems. Read More
GANYC Certified Guide Gary Dennis   Gary Dennis was born and raised on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  After attending the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Arts, Gary received his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, with a minor in Theatre History (specializing in New York City) from Brooklyn College. … Read More
Eric Thomas Eric P. Thomas, tras una carrera de más de 35 años en la industria de viajes y turismo de EE. UU., ha desarrollado una reputación de experiencia en la programación de Visit USA. New York City, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Niagara Falls, Boston, Eastern Canada.

Guia licenciado de New York y Washington DC

Con fluidez nativa en inglés y español, Thomas lanzó su carrera profesional en la década de 1980 con City Tours USA, un operador turístico receptivo que se estableció como una pequeña empresa familiar que atendía visitantes principalmente de América del Sur, pero que ha crecido hasta convertirse en uno de los operadores turísticos receptivos más grandes de EE. UU. Con sede en el norte de Nueva Jersey.
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Heidi Zsa Zsa Benedikt I decided to become a licensed tour guide after the attacks of Sept 11, 2001. Strange to say I have the greatest job from the worst day in New Yorks history.  Read More
Bill Goodhart The tours I give always have a level of enthusiasm that is beyond scripted - because I live here and know that each day brings changes that will interest me and let me excite the tourist. I know why this is the Empire City, and can convey the excitement of discovery on virtually every corner.

I have learned to love this city; for me to make a real and true connection with it, I had to prove that I cared - and so I became a licensed guide!

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Megan Marod Helping you get your very best NYC experience. Read More